About Me


Hi! I’m Haley and welcome to my little corner where I have so much fun at! I love all things food and learning new ways to mix things up in the kitchen all while staying on track with my nutrition.

I’m the luckiest girl who is loved by her King and her amazing husband. The blessings in my life far outweigh the challenges I’ve been put through – for the trials I’ve been dealt have molded and shaped me into the woman I am today.

I believe in giving everyone a chance and offering them all the love and respect that I humanly have. Everyone has their own story – their own way of doing things – who are we to judge?! I long to inspire and be a light in this dimming world, to always embrace all of life’s opportunities, and cherish every moment spent with the people I love.

This blog is my way to share my passion: Share my favorite recipes, post workouts and offer YOU the opportunity to live a healthy and happy life style AND find financial freedom.


25 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Sue

    Congratulations on your recent graduation . . I see that you are in Western PA . . . . my Mom’s side of family is from PA and I went to grad school in Pittsburgh . . . I still miss PA terribly, I have such fond memories of Aspinwall and Fox Chapel, of the green hills and hot summers, the smell of wet concrete every summer afternoon after the rain. Plus you seem like you have a really good head on your shoulders especially for a young person . . . . good for you! I can’t wait to catch up on your blog.


    1. Thank you for sharing that with me! I love meeting people that have passed through/lived around my area. I saw that Pittsburgh was in the list of places you’ve lived and I do have to say I love this area myself 🙂 Thank you for those kind words as well. That’s so sweet of you to say and am flattered that you saw that in me through my words 🙂
      Can’t wait to keep in touch and as always, take care.


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